How To Get A Guy In 10 Days
There's an old adage about success: To get results you've never had, you have to do things you've never done!
Or to put it as Einstein did, doing the same things and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
So if you want to get a guy in the next 10 days, you're going to have to supercharge your social life and understand what men want in a woman, what it is they are looking for that attracts them so much. So here are my top tips for doing just that:
Set this challenge for yourself…
For the next ten days I want you to play a game with yourself.
Every time you either (a) See a guy you're attracted to…
Or (b) See a guy reading a book you have read or want to read…
You must approach him and make conversation!
You don't have to do this everywhere, maybe limit it to bars, parks and public transport.
That's the game. It's really simple but you won't believe how much it will exercise your social muscles.
Book yourself in to do 3 activities you've been putting off
Right now, write down three activities you've been wanting or meaning to do at some point, and schedule them in over the next ten days.
For you this might be going to that kickboxing class a the gym (Note: classes are amazing places to meet men!), or going to that play you've been meaning to see, or that mountain biking excursion, or checking out that art exhibition.
Whatever it is, schedule it in!
So often we get stuck in our comfort zone that we never actually expose ourselves to new opportunities that would enable us to meet a ton of new people.
This is why women often complain "I can't find any men!". It's because they keep doing the same things over and over again!
If you talk to a guy you're attracted to for over 5 minutes, you HAVE to give him your email
The idea of this might make you feel a little nervous, but that's a good thing!
I'm only asking you to do this as a 10 day challenge. When you do it, you're going to be amazed at the results you'll get.
A friend of mine tried this challenge and she said her diary was absolutely packed with more men than she could handle.
So give it a try this week and enjoy getting out of your comfort zone!
I'd love to hear how you get on with this.
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How To Get A Guy In 10 Days
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